In vitro and field responses of various active ingredients to Fusarium proliferatum species which causes Fusarium root rot disease in Indian mulberry (Morinda officinalis How.) in Thai Nguyen
Fusarium proliferatum has been identified as the causal pathogen of Fusarium root rot of Ba kich (Morinda officinalis) (FRRBK). No studies are available regarding the effectiveness of chemical treatments on the disease incidence of FRRBK. The efficacy of five active ingredients (metconazole, prochloraz, tebuconazole, kresoximmethyl, and pyraclostrobin) from two chemical groups (demethylation inhibitors and quinone outside inhibitors) in reducing three isolates (BKVN, BKDT, and BKPL) of F. proliferatum mycelial growth was tested in vitro. The results indicate that only metconazole, prochloraz, and tebuconazole are highly effective in inhibiting the mycelial growth of F. proliferatum. These were selected for investigation of their efficacy with regard to the disease incidence of FRRBK in pot and in field conditions. Prochloraz and metconazole showed the highest efficacy and significantly suppressed the disease incidence of FRRBK in pot and in field conditions.
Ba kich, demethylation inhibitors, Fusarium proliferatum, Morinda officinalis, quinone outside inhibitorDOI: number
Received 15 March 2019; accepted 30 May 2019