On the melting of interstitial alloys FeH, FeSi and FeC with a body-centred cubic structure under pressure


  • Nguyen Quang Hoc Hanoi National University of Education, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Thi Hoa University of Transport and Communications, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Tran Dinh Cuong* Hanoi National University of Education, Vietnam
  • Dang Quoc Thang Hanoi National University of Education, Vietnam


Taking the model of interstitial alloy AB with a body-centred cubic structure and the condition of absolute stability for the crystalline state, we derive analytic expression for the temperature of the limit of absolute stability for the crystalline state, the melting temperature, and the equation for the melting curve of this alloy using the statistical moment method. The results allow us to determine the melting temperature of alloy AB under pressure as well as at zero pressure. In limit cases, we obtain the melting theory of main metal A with a body-centred cubic structure. The theoretical results are numerically applied for alloys FeH, FeSi and FeC using different potentials.


absolute stability of the crystalline state, interstitial alloy, statistical moment method



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Received 18 October 2018; accepted 21 December 2018

How to Cite

Nguyen Quang Hoc, Nguyen Thi Hoa, Tran Dinh Cuong, & Dang Quoc Thang. (2019). On the melting of interstitial alloys FeH, FeSi and FeC with a body-centred cubic structure under pressure. Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering, 61(2), 17-22. https://doi.org/10.31276/VJSTE.61(2).17-22



Physical Sciences