Research and development of a luminance responsivity standard system at the Vietnam Metrology Institute
The development of a luminance responsivity standard is central to the study of photometry and radiometry at the Vietnam Metrology Institute (VMI). Today, two methods are used to determine luminance responsivity. The first method uses an integrating sphere light source, also known as a luminous intensity standard lamp, and the second method compares the luminance responsivity value to that of a known standard photometer. Using these methods, it is possible to identify small uncertainties. In this work, we analysed the luminance responsivity standard system (model: VMI-PR-006) based on the national standard system of luminance (model: V11.04.18). This system was used to calibrate the luminance responsivity scale of standard photometer and luminance standard integrating sphere. When using the national standard system (V11.04.18) to calibrate the luminance standard integrating sphere (model: LN3; S/N:05B840), an uncertainty of U=0.73% for k=2, where k is the *, was found [1]. On the other hand, we calibrated the luminance responsivity scale of a standard photometer system (VMI-PR-006) based on the national standard system of luminance (V11.04.18) and compared it to the luminance responsivity scale calibrated at NMIA (National Measurement Institute Australia) with En=0.13<1, where En is *. This standard system is used for the calibration and verification of measurement devices within the luminance measurement requirements specified by the Vietnam technical documents.
luminance meter, luminance responsivity scale (A/(cd/m2)), luminance standard integrating sphere source, photometry and radiometryDOI: number
Received 25 November 2019; accepted 10 March 2020